We would like to thank all the students, staff, and families for another wonderful school year at the High School!  It is hard to believe that it is over already.  The students did an exceptional job meeting the challenges of this school year and adapting to the procedures COVID forced us to put in place.  We look forward to seeing our underclassman back in-person in August for the start of the 2021-22 School Year, and to seeing our Seniors at Graduation tomorrow night.

We hope everyone has a restful, relaxing, and enjoyable summer!

Report Cards

Final Report Cards will be mailed home next week. Please contact the Guidance Office with any questions.

Summer Hours

The High School Office will be open 7a-3p through June 10th.  After that the office will be open periodically throughout the summer.  We will post summer hours in early June.  Feel free to email Mr. Glassmeyer or Mr. Houp with any questions or items you need assistance with – glassmeyer_t@cneschools.org or houp_s@cneschools.org.

Scheduling Message

Please see the message below from our School Counselor, Mrs. Comisar about next school year’s schedules.  Please contact her with any questions – comisar_a@cneschools.org

Hello Clermont Northeastern High School Families,

We thank everyone for your flexibility and perseverance during this unique and unprecedented time.   We are thankful for the dedication you all have continued to show as we navigated the 2020-2021 school year. We wish you the best this summer and look forward to another successful school year to commence in August. 

The  guidance office will be distributing schedules for the 2021-2022 school year in late July to allow time to account for teacher and schedule changes.. Schedules will be posted to Progressbook and be available for pickup at Clermont Northeastern High School on Friday, July 30th. 

Pickup times are as follows:

Students with last names A-L: 9:00-11:00 AM

Students with last names  M-Z: 12:00-2:00 PM 

If you are unable to pick up your schedule during those times, please note that the high school office will be open, so you may pick up your schedule Monday-Friday from 7:00-3:00 anytime following July 30th.  Students can also access his/her schedule on Progressbook beginning July 30. 

Schedule change requests will be available on site and also via a link posted to the high school website this summer.  

Please contact the guidance office with any questions.

Amy Comisar

School Counselor


513-625-1211 x 116

Jayne Mummert

Guidance Office Secretary


513-625-1211 x 119