We are looking forward to a full week of learning! The 3rd Quarter ends in 2 short weeks on March 12th.  Students should be working diligently to ensure they are caught up on all assignments as the 3rd Quarter comes to a close.

The Leo Club is collecting plastic bags that will be melted down and formed into a bench for the school.  There is a bin in the high school lobby to collect bags, more information is below.

The Student Senate is sponsoring a canned food drive to benefit the needy in our community.  See the flyer below for more information.


This is just a reminder that March 18th and 19th will be a remote learning days for all students so staff can receive the 2nd dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.  By 9 a.m. each morning high school teachers will post assignments in Google Classroom for students to complete.  Teachers will be available throughout the day to answer questions via email and provide assistance as needed.

We are still required to report attendance on remote learning days so assignment completion will be used to determine whether a student was present or not.  Students will have until midnight each day to complete their assignments.


Please let me know if you have any questions.  


TJ Glassmeyer, Principal