Happy snow day!  I hope everyone has an enjoyable and safe day.  Just a reminder that there is no school tomorrow (2/12) or Monday (2/15).  Classes will resume Tuesday morning at 7:20a.

On Tuesday, February 23rd the High School will host a virtual resume and cover letter workshop at 6p.  This event is open to all students and their families.  There will be presentations from Ohio Means Jobs, the Clermont County Library, and local HR professionals.  We are able to hold this workshop with support from the Comprehensive State Literacy Development Grant the High School received as we work to ensure all students are college and career ready.  

Students and families can register for the event at http://bit.ly/3qUl2B4.  We will send a Zoom link to those who have registered a few days before the scheduled workshop.  Please contact Mrs. Fox with any questions – fox_c@cneschools.org.

The Student Senate is sponsoring a canned food drive.  Students can bring donations to their 1st period classes.

The Leo Club is collecting plastic bags that will be melted down and formed into a bench for the school.  There is a bin in the high school lobby to collect bags, more information is below.