marine hall
Even though Mrs. Hall, one of the elementary's fabulous reading specialists, is out on maternity leave right now, she was still gracious enough to take a few minutes and answer some questions so we could get to know her better.

  • What would the students be surprised to find out about you?
I joined the Marine Corps right out of high school where I served for 4 years before I went to college to become a teacher! 

  • What’s a typical Saturday night like for you?
A typical Saturday night for me would be cuddled up on the couch with my husband, our 2 year old and newborn daughters and our cat and dog enjoying a good movie. 

  • What is your dream vacation?
Backpacking across Europe! A dream of mine would be to visit each country. Crazy I know! 

  • What makes a ‘good day’ at school?
See the smiling faces of my students and peers. If they are having a bad day, I make it my mission to at least make them smile at least once. 

  • What is your favorite dish from the cafeteria?
I LOVE the buffalo chicken nuggets! 

  • What inspires you?
Seeing others in their element. Seeing them have a passion for their life and their profession. It inspires me to make my life the best I possibly can and live it to the fullest doing what I love with the people I love most. 

  • What current trends are baffling to you? Why?
That despite the pandemic and all of the challenges our students have had to endure, they continue to show up to put in the effort it takes to get back on track! 

  • How do you remember all of your students’ names?
I look them in the eye and repeat their name a few times, and then I attach that name and face to a fun fact about them! It helps me remember their name and get to know them a little better! 

  • In which Hogwarts house would you be sorted?
(Harry Potter nerd here) I’ve taken the official quiz probably 15 different times and somehow always get Gryffindor even though I’ve always seen myself as a Slytherin.