kirk family

Mrs. Kirk joins CNE Elementary this year as one of our two mental health therapists.  She has a master's degree in counseling, is licensed in clinical counseling and chemical dependency, and has worked in school-based metal health, inpatient psychiatric treatment and private practice counseling for more than 14 years. As so many of our staff members are, Mrs. Kirk attended and graduated from Clermont Northeastern.  She is also a community member and parent of children who currently attend CNE.   Read on to learn more about this fantastic addition to the elementary staff!

What is one of your hidden talents? Playing piano

What’s a typical Saturday night like for you? Movie and popcorn night on my couch with my family

How often do you accidently start counseling at home?  I easily break into counselor mode with my kids! 

 What are some pets you’ve had or would like to own? I love my dogs and cat. But I would love to have a horse. 

What is your dream vacation? Hawaii! Relaxing by the water and surrounded by beauty

How do you spend your summer breaks? I haven't had one yet, but I plan to do lots of outdoor things with my kids. And naps. And swimming. 

What would your last meal be? Pasta, bread and salad

 What can you cook to perfection? Are you willing to share the recipe?  Homemade bread. And chocolate chip cookies. Sure, I will share. 

 If you won the lottery and decided to give up teaching, what would you do instead? Travel and hike  

What accomplishment fills you with pride so far this year? Helping children calm down and get reconnected

What sort of morning routine do you have to get jazzed for class? Doing a difficult workout 

 How do you keep things fresh?  Lots of research on what helps brains heal

What inspires you? a really good redemptive story 

What current trends are baffling to you? Why? Social Media. Period. I don't understand it.

How do you connect with kids? Eye contact. Smiling, showing them I care. 

 How do you remember all of your students’ names?  Connect with each one as individuals 

What’s a school sport or activity you enjoy watching? Volleyball!  

If you could take the students on a field trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take them?  Somewhere to hike in nature and see different animals and trees/flowers/plants and landscape

 Why do (or don’t) you friend former students on Facebook?  I don't have FB :)  

If you were to be given a superlative when you were in school, what would it have been?  Most contemplative  

What song should students listen to when doing work for your class? Piano music. 

What is your first memory from school? Crying the entire first day of kindergarten. LOL. I hate change! 

If you could grow up in any decade, which would you choose? I enjoyed when I grew up in the 80s and 90s. Before social media and things seem moderately calm. 

 What are your must-have smartphone apps? Fitness, Kindle, Youtube, And that is about it. 

Is there a quote or saying that you live your life by? "Make it your goal to lead a quiet and peaceful life, mind your own affairs and work with your hands" Letter written to ancient Thessalonia 

What would your perfect party look like? My closest people, really good food, drink, and dessert. Just being together 

What is your spirit animal?  Horse running free