wood fam

A veteran fourth grade teacher at CNE, Mrs. Wood is also  one of its many alumni members.  Let's learn a few things about her!

How often do you accidently start speaking Spanish at home? I get super mixed up with Spanish and French.  My family doesn’t know much French so when I try to say things in Spanish, I accidentally mix up French and Spanish.  They get super confused!

What’s a school sport or activity you enjoy watching? I love to watch live sports.  Most recently, volleyball!  Tennis is also exciting! Soccer of course is my go to, especially the USWT.  College football and basketball are fun too.  Since meeting my husband 26 years ago, I feel like I finally understand the game of football.

If you could take the students on a field trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take them? I would love to take them to a big city like Boston and show them some of the historical places that they learn about in fourth grade.  Places we study during our Revolutionary War unit.  I’d also like for them to see some of the older locations in the United States.  Oh, out west!!! The beautiful landscapes and National Parks in the western and southwestern US.

If you were to be given a superlative when you were in school, what would it have been?  I was given the nicest person award.  I still have the trophy.

What song should students listen to when doing work for your class?  I like to have my students listen to classical music when they work.  Piano concertos are my favorite.  They can be very peppy and get those brains working!

What is your first memory from school?  I remember riding the kindergarten bus to Newtonsville for our half day of class.  We got to have yellow center, my favorite, which had painting on large easels in our Dad’s old shirts so we didn’t get the smelly tempera paint on our clothes.  I also remember reaching way far into the big cooler that held milk and almost falling in to retrieve our precious carton of chocolate milk.  I didn’t have chocolate milk at home so this was a big treat!

In which Hogwarts house would you be sorted?  I would hope I’d be in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw.  They seem to be the most brave students and are focused on their studies.

Did you see the new Star Wars on opening night?  No, but I did see the Lord of the Rings movies at the midnight premieres.

What is your spirit animal?  Dolphin

What song do you know all the lyrics to? Eagles greatest hits, American Girl by Tom Petty, LOTS of Led Zeppelin (Kashmir, Ramble On)