At the start of last school year the High School received a literacy grant from the State of Ohio.  The grant is designed to turn the High School into a model site for how literacy can be incorporated into every class.  As part of the grant we received funds to purchase Kindle eReaders for all students to use this school year.  This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to always have access to high quality reading material.

The devices are designed to only allow students to read books and not access the internet. It is strictly an e-reader. They will be registered to the school and not a personal Amazon account.  Students will be able to use the Kindles to read books for class and for pleasure.  

We have included instructions for how students can download materials from the Clermont County Library.  The instructions will be shared with students during their English classes as well.  Just remember to search for Clermont County Library when prompted for your local library.  Students can use their “3 For Me” Clermont County Library Card.  Their password is the last 4 numbers of the library card.  

Students are expected to keep the devices in good condition and they will be collected at the end of the school year.  If you do not wish your child to be issued a Kindle please contact Mr. Houp,

Clermont County Library eBook Instructions