Thank you to everyone who joined us, in-person or virtually, to celebrate the Class of 2021 on Friday night!  It truly was a memorable evening. The ceremony was recorded and can be viewed at  Thank you to CNE Alum Alex Cunningham for broadcasting the ceremony for our families.

At the ceremony I neglected to mention that Senior Abby Silvers received her diploma prior to Friday night’s ceremony.  In addition to attending the University of Tennessee, Abby has enlisted in the Army.  She was required to report to Basic Training on May 24th so she was unable to attend Friday’s ceremony.  I apologize to Abby and her family for the oversight.

Best of luck to all our graduates as they embark on the next chapter of their lives.  If I can be of any assistance to you or your graduate please let me know.

TJ Glassmeyer

High School Principal